I have some thirty years’ experience of the public and non-for-profit sectors, including charities, NDPBs, universities and local councils, in roles from full-time volunteer to chief executive to chair.
Much of my work has specialised in strategic planning and governance. But I also am particularly interested in inclusive travel and accessible streetscapes. Common themes to all my work are a commitment to public/user/consumer interests, a strategic approach to policy (seeing the wood for the trees) and making links between the 'vision' and what happens in practice.
Some of my specific interests include sustainable and accessible transport, implications of digital technology, social science research, disability equality and cultural/heritage policy. Please see my CV here including details of work with recent clients such as:
Berwickshire Association for Voluntary Service
Riverside Community Council (Stirling)
Tweeddale Access Panel (Peebles)
Living Streets Scotland
HcL (Handicabs)
Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations Council
Bòrd na Gàidhlig.
Outside of work, I'm the Convenor of Living Streets' Edinburgh Group and like travel, wildlife, history and spending time with my family.
Some of my main roles have been:
Member, Mobility and Access Committee for Scotland (MACS)
Secretary/Head of Strategy, National Library of Scotland
Public member, ESRC Grant Advisory Panel
Director of Planning and Intelligence, Napier University,
Member, Bus User Complaints Tribunal
Senior Policy Officer, Edinburgh Council
Head of Accessible Transport, Lothian Regional/City of Edinburgh Council
Chief Executive, London Dial-a-Ride Users’ Association
Much of my work has specialised in strategic planning and governance. But I also am particularly interested in inclusive travel and accessible streetscapes. Common themes to all my work are a commitment to public/user/consumer interests, a strategic approach to policy (seeing the wood for the trees) and making links between the 'vision' and what happens in practice.
Some of my specific interests include sustainable and accessible transport, implications of digital technology, social science research, disability equality and cultural/heritage policy. Please see my CV here including details of work with recent clients such as:
Berwickshire Association for Voluntary Service
Riverside Community Council (Stirling)
Tweeddale Access Panel (Peebles)
Living Streets Scotland
HcL (Handicabs)
Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations Council
Bòrd na Gàidhlig.
Outside of work, I'm the Convenor of Living Streets' Edinburgh Group and like travel, wildlife, history and spending time with my family.
Some of my main roles have been:
Member, Mobility and Access Committee for Scotland (MACS)
Secretary/Head of Strategy, National Library of Scotland
Public member, ESRC Grant Advisory Panel
Director of Planning and Intelligence, Napier University,
Member, Bus User Complaints Tribunal
Senior Policy Officer, Edinburgh Council
Head of Accessible Transport, Lothian Regional/City of Edinburgh Council
Chief Executive, London Dial-a-Ride Users’ Association
I have degrees in Politics and Social Policy, a Certificate in Corporate Governance from the Institute of Administrative Management and am a Chartered Member of the Institute of Logistics and Transport and the Centre for Accessible Environments. I was appointed an Associate Research Fellow at Edinburgh Napier University's Transport Research Institute in 2015 and received the inaugural 'Active Travel Volunteer of the Year' award from Paths for All in 2019.
Some of my publications are:
Some of my publications are:
- 'The Jury's still out on the safety of Edinburgh's floating bus stops', Local Transport Today 810, November 2020
- 'Making Streets Inclusive', The Geographer, RSGS, June 2020
- 'Street audits and reasons for non-or partial implementation', Rehabilitation International, Edinburgh, 2016 (with Professor Tom Rye)
- Cowgate Street Audit, Living Streets Scotland, 2016
- Tollcross Street Audit, (for Living Streets Edinburgh), 2015
- 'Streets for All' - An analysis of commitments to making streets inclusive in the statutory Equality Outcomes of Scottish Councils, August 2014, jointly published by the Scottish Disability Equality Forum and Living Streets Scotland
- 'Transport for all: An analysis of commitments to accessible transport in the statutory Equality Outcomes of Scottish Councils', May 2014
- ‘Evaluating the impact of the National Library of Scotland through bibliometric analysis’ Library and Information Research Journal, December 2011 (with Hambelton, P.)
- ‘Who will speak for disabled people now..?’, Local Transport Today, Issue 559, 2010.
- ‘Thriving or Surviving? The National Library of Scotland in 2030’, http://www.nls.uk/about/policy/docs/future-national-libraries.pdf 2010 (with Brown, K.)
- ‘Development of Strategic performance indicators at the National Library of Scotland’, QQML conference, Chania, Greece, May 2009
- ‘The case for user-side subsidies – a critique of service-led transport planning’. 8th International COMOTRED conference, Perth, Australia 1998, Vol 1, 355-359
- ‘Guidance on Training for Taxi and Private Hire Drivers in Disability Issues’ 1997 (for Department of Transport/DPTAC)